Visitors 3124
201 photos, 2 videos

'Passing the Torch, Documenting the 21st Century Ku Klux Klan' is a project that began in 1998 and includes photographs, audio & video recordings of various KKK groups across America.

The project includes traveling exhibit consists of framed and signed archival photographic prints, an authentic wooden cross used in a cross-lighting ceremony, several authentic KKK robes, KKK promotional materials, books and official documents and letters from KKK members including deceased Imperial Wizard Sam Bowers of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and deceased Imperial Wizard Jimmie Maxey of the South Mississippi Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
For more information on bringing the exhibit to your university, museum or community, please send an email to [email protected].

-James Edward Bates
Founder & photographer, Passing the Torch